Thursday, 5 July 2007

straight lines

2 of them ...

pink ones ...

So I'm wondering if the glute pain I've felt on the last 2 runs has been a bit of sciatica - early days I know, but the body is a strange thing.

Also I've been getting horrible sinus headaces every day and have been feeling totally exhausted, so the desire to exercise (and run) has been minimal. I have to say I saw Clairie run past in the half on sunday and she looked amazing - she is amazing.


Talicca said...

What wonderful news! Nature moves in mysterious ways eh? :)

Kathy said...

Congratulations Sarah. No wonder you haven't been feeling like exercising.

TA and the Gnome said...

Call me slow, but I couldn't work out why you were being congratulated for having sciatica, and then ever so slowly the daylight dawned in this male brain... :-)

It'll be interesting to see how this time compares now that you're that much fitter. Good stuff!


Bennyr said...

OK. Like Gnome, the slow male brain took it's time. I get it now.

Congratulations, Sarah! Keep well over the next little while.

Let's now focus on the rather awesome achievement of running a PB whilst carrying a child. That, my friend, is an achievement worthy of being incredibly proud of.


Tesso said...

Huuuuuuge congrats Sarah!!!! Lucky I didn't realise on Sunday or I might have broken a couple of your ribs with a giant bear hug.

Yes, Clairie is amazing. But so are you!

Oh, and congrats on the PB too. Nice work.

Peterhorse said...

i thought they were meant to be blue lines...but i knew 2 was the positive results :-) congratulations to you sarah and A for his part in the equation too... (does a chilish snigger snigger).

look forward to hearing all about the prgoress

miners said...

congratulations on the 2 pink lines Sarah - and you still managed a PB as well :)