Wednesday, 20 June 2007

So, what's going on

I'm still here Kathy ... just feeling a little 'blah' about it all, so avoiding blogging about it :)

My husband always tells me off for putting too much information on here, I don't so it intentionally, I just start typing and it all just comes tumbling out. I figured, if people want to read it they will, I've never had any nasty comments, I think most people who comment and lurk here are referred from CR and I trust that runners are nice kind people!!

Anyway ... today is absolutely freezing by Brisbane standards. Reminds me of the winter days in Melbourne apparently I've gone a bit soft since then because I'm finding it hard to drag my lazy butt out of bed and pull on the running gear in the dark and the cold. Not that I ever ran in Melbourne ... but y'know.

Feeling a bit apprehensive about the 10k. I know I can do the distance and it won't be an issue, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do it in the time I originally set in my mind. A run this weekend with Nikki will show how bad it's going to be.

There's been heaps going on non-running wise. The Japan thing is progressing (frustratingly slowly) but it's been consuming my thoughts. I'm feeling pretty positive about it, although I have moments of doubt and reality check. Still waiting to hear the all important bottom line discussion, but we are the preferred candidates and they want to fly A to Tokyo to meet the team and get better acquainted. Some numbers will have to be put on the table before that happens ... the cost of international schooling in t0ky0 is outrageous. The thought of sending Max to a Japanese school has it's attractions, but my heart would break for him being thrown into a non-english speaking environment and trying to make friends and survive. Plus I'd find it hard not being able to communicate with teachers and parents ...

Anyway, lots to think about and no decisions made yet - but 'they' have indicated a time frame of about 3 to 4 months max before take off ... scary.

A few other things going on but nothing to bore you all with.

Need to sit down this week and sort out my playlist for the 10k - I know I know - terribly antisocial of me to run with headphones in, but hey, I paid my $45 and I'll run the damn thing however I like. Not running with anyone to chat with to keep my mind from all the negative thoughts and would really love a nice fast playlist to spur me on and try to reach that 59:xx - 62:xx goal (making a 10 min PB at worst and 12 min PB at worst). I'm a little afraid to admit that outloud because a) it shows how slooooow I am and b) I'm not sure I'll make it. :(


MorseyRuns said...

Let me assure you- it isn't anti social (or even if it is!) because there is nothing worse than hearing your own breathing for 10km!

Kathy said...

Glad to hear from you Sarah. I'll swap weather with you. I have pt at 6 am tomorrow and the forecast minimum is 1 degree. Brrr!

Congratulations on setting yourself a goal time for the run. Good luck with achieving it.

I'd better send your book back before you move to Japan. I'm enjoying it so far.

Peterhorse said...

i think i can i think i can i think i can, i know i can i know i can, i can i did!
and that's how it will go if you want it to...
popular wisdom is that the body can go much faster and further than the mind will let it. music to distract the doubting mind is a good thing.
this weekend you can confirm that you CAN do it ;-)

TA and the Gnome said...

Good to hear from you again Sarah. I was watching 'Finding Nemo' with my Daughter last night (yes, that'd be the 20 year old...) and I think it has a special message just for you.

Just keep running, just keep running, running, running, just keep running... :-)


Talicca said...

Thankfully Wednesday morning I was happily tucked away from that horrible wind in the warmest section of the gym :) I think even me at my most masochistic would have issues running in that kind of weather!

Don't worry about the antisocial side of running with an ipod... Whatever it takes to get you through! Plus music has fantastic motivational qualities. No way would I have pulled off the 43:31 time in the Mother's Day 8K if I hadn't had a particular song blaring in my ears ;) I wish I could run the 10k with you, but somehow I don't think my legs will be up for it after the half.

Tesso said...

Stop worrying about doing a good time in the 10k, just make sure you have a good time! What's a few minutes here or there in there record books compared to lastling memories of having a ball while running.

Re the songs you could always ask for suggestions from friends or family .... or fellow bloggers :-) I've done that before then when the song comes on I try to remember who suggested it and think about that person. Next thing you know half a km or more has gone by and you've hardly even noticed.

Bennyr said...


You'll do fine. Don't worry about it. The Gold Coast is a great party with a run attached. That's what I'm looking forward to.
