this morning that I really should listen to my body when my glutes and quads are screaming at me!!!
I'd kinda decided last night that I would go and re-do my 5k course I did for the first time a couple of weeks ago. Well, nothing went right and it was a bad run. (is there such a thing?!)
I knew I was going to be sore this morning from doing PT back to back with spin class on tues and wed ... but I didn't want to give myself any excuses, and knew if I didn't run this morning I'd only fit in 2 runs this week.
So I set the alarm for 5:45am. Got up, was about to get dressed when Maeve woke up (first thing to go wrong), so then I had to wait for A to get out of bed before I could get out the door. So by the time I got out the door I was already 15 min behind schedule. Got to the startign point of my run and for the first few km I was fine. Then I stopped at a drink fountain and 2 things happened. The first was I paused my watch (this is probably cheating - you're probably supposed to include drink stops!) and when I set off again I pressed the wrong button and had to start the time all over again - no worries I thought, I'll just add the times together at the end. So that was ok, so I thought.
The 2nd thing to happen was that once I stopped I realised how much my quads were hurting. I kept running though and just short of the 4km mark I looked down at my watch to see if I was going to beat my time from the last run ... I wasn't timing. &%$#%.
Anyway, I told myself that I wasn't running today for time and to just keep going. I had to wait for a team of cyclists so I could cross the road for my last km, and when I set off again my quads were yelling at me!! Man, they were sore and really tight, so I stopped for a bit of a stretch and said to myself "suck it up Sarah, just keep going"
Pfffft. Anyway, shuffled about half of the last km and then walked back to my car - told myself I needed a bit of a cool down anyway! So I have no idea how long it took me, but that's ok. And I walked a bit towards the end - and that's ok too.
I was a bit peeved about it all and feeling a bit negative, but figured at least I got out there. Could have been worse - I could have stacked in and fallen over - and I didn't, so I should ne happy.
Could harldy get out of the car though, I felt like a cripple.
So I've decided to give my weights program a miss at the gym today as it's alot of leg work and I think I need to give them a break. Feel like I'm whimping out a bit, but what can you do?
Something else I realised this morning - where I ran this morning there are a lot of people out and about - walkers, runners, cyclists - most people don't even look at you to smile and say goodmorning! Shame really. And the other thing I noticed is that people really suck at picking up their dog crap. Man this ticks me off.
So Box calss tomorrow and then a rest on Saturday before my run on Sunday morning. Forcast is for showers on Sunday - I hope so, it's been pretty warm here, it would be nice to run in the rain - note to self - don't wear a white top on sunday!!!!
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Damn those bike squats!! I always fret about not recording a run too - but just because you didn't record a run in the woods doesn't mean that it didn't really fall, or something. You know you burnt those calories, only your watch doesn't!
I like to greet everyone with a big smile and "GOODMORNING!". I hope it makes them feel guilty for not being friendly to me. :)
The human body is an amazing thing. It provides us with pain when it wants a rest, only sometimes we are too stubborn to realise it!! (Guilty here too.) So, yes, listen to your body and take a break - although I admire the dedication.
Sarah, I'm not playing the one-upmanship game, but I remember in 1998 I ran the Gold Coast half marathon, and my watch didn't work. I didn't realise it until I was about 9k into the run, and it was too late to estimate anything by then. I just said to myself "just go as fast as you can".
I missed out on a PB by 15 seconds!
I always reckon if I'd had my times I could have pushed myself that bit harder and got a PB.
Hey Sarah!
You know you don't have to run your hardest on every run and in fact it would probably be better for you to leave the watch behind at times and have a leisurely run and take in the atmosphere around you.
Just my 2 cents worth!
Happy trails R2B
Sarah, I read yesterday that there's no such thing as a bad run. It's a learning experience. It sounds as though that's exactly what you had.
It's amazing how many people asked me was I wearing white when they heard I'd been running in the rain. It never occurred to me - but I'm such a messy person that I avoid white clothes.
Enjoy Sunday's run.
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