Max had a hearing test early on Tuesday morning in preparation for his appointment with the ENT specialist next tuesday (that child costs us more in medical bills than anything else ... $200 was the bill from the dentist on Monday - but I digress, I was talking about my excuses for not running on Tuesday ...) and Tuesday was the first morning we had our new blinds up and we all slept in thanks to the extra darkness in the morning! oops! Will have to set the alarm from now on.
Went and did my spin class today. I found it pretty hard going today. Just felt a bit tired - it's been so hot here, so maybe I can blame the weather.
On a brighter note, I went to the park this afternoon for our usual wednesday afternoon neighbourhood meet-up/play. I hadn't been for a couple of weeks due to other things being on and it being raining and one of the stay-at-home-dads who comes along I hadn't seen in about 3 weeks.
Anyway .... he says to me "sarah, you're looking well, your gym work is obviously paying off" and another of the mum's who I haven't seen in 6 weeks because she had a new baby - the first thing she said to me was "you look great, you've lost weight"
So I thought I'd post some pics of me pre christmas and me now. There's not a huge difference, but there is a difference ... I think anyway. Hopefully I don't really need to tell you which ones are before and which ones are after ... if you can'ttell, let me know and make sure and tell me where you live at the same time ... !!
Soooo now I'm off to finish writing my essay on Darwin & Lamarck's theories of evolution ... very exciting ... not. Tomorrow is weights and cardio - might do a bit of a run on the treadmill at the gym, test out the knees and the ankle again...
It is so great to get positive comments from people, isn't it? Personally, I can't get enough of it. I even tell people that they can't compliment me too much, just to help them realise that I'd be happy to hear them repeat the compliments.
Wow! You can tell, you can tell alright :-)
Certainly no guessing to know the before and after! I am impressed that it has been since Christmas!
Sarah - the difference is huge - its just fantastic - can't wait to get to your blog in "current time" and see how you are doing!
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