Saturday, 10 March 2007

the plan is

to get up at 5:45am tomorrow morning, rain or shine, stumble out of the house, drive down to yeronga Park and run from Hyde Rd through Yeronga Park to the river and Brisbane Corso, turn right down the corso, run to Stimpson St, turn around, run back up to the other end of Brisbane Corso where the path ends, turn around and run back to where Yeronga park meets the Corso, run back through the park and back to Hyde Rd and to my car ... should be 5k according to ...

I can do it.

I don't know how long it will take me. I'm going to try really hard not to walk at all. I'm hoping to come in around 35min ... but that might be a bit optimistic. Time will tell...

There, now that I've written it down, made it public, I have to do it!

Lisa, nice try!!! Ummm, nope, no pic of the running skirt - if you wanna see me in the running skirt, you'll have to come running with me!!! hee hee!!!

Inspired by Gnome and TA's photo of them running together, I'm trying to get my husband to start running. He's been complaining he's so unfit, getting fat (yeah right!) and no energy etc all the time. I dared him today to start running, he's full of excuses "my knees" "no time" blah blah blah ... I told him I'd set up the ipod with the C25K podcasts and he could start fromm week 1 - lots of walking, little bit of running ... he said if I organised it he would do it!!! So we'll see - I think he's too lazy to get out of bed early enough to be able to do it before work ... I would love him to, I would love to be able to share this interest with him.

I'll keep you posted on that.

I need an early night tonight so I can drag myself out of bed for the run tomorrow.

Sommeone once told me the regret they feel at not getting out early for a run lasts all day, yet the regret they feel at getting out early for a run only lasts until they are out the door - so true.

On another matter I have been treating my body like absolute crap this week diet wise. I gotta get my act together. I promise mself I'm going to have a good week this week.


Celeste said...

Good luck on the run - I'll be thinking of you! If you manage 35 minutes you are waaay ahead of me!!!

Looking forward to hearing how you go!

TA and the Gnome said...

If it helps to inspire you more, that photo was taken as we were about to cross the finish line of our second half marathon, and 18 months before that neither of us would have even considered it possible... :-)
