Sunday, 18 March 2007

rest day

no running, no gym today. And I just realised Max has his ENT appointment at 9am tomorrow morning ... So no PT or gym tomorrow :(

Had a rare nap this afternoon - not too long, but long enough to keep me awake through dinner at mum and dad's.

Given there's no gym tomorrow I'm contemplating a run tomorrow ... part of me is saying no, just sleep ... I'm not sure there will be time for running and getting kids and husband ready to be in the city for the specialist appointment by 9am ... perhaps I could run in the evening ... decisions decisions .........


Celeste said...

You know I've never got into the habit of running at night. I come from a hot place so I prefer to run in the mornings and I've kept the habit even now that I've moved to much cooler Perth. I've gone running in the afternoons a few times but I just can't do the night run thing. I'd be worried I'd trip over something in the dark!! Crime doesn't bother me (bring 'em on - I'll show baddies not to bother me!!) but I'm frightened of injury. Is it well lit where you run????

MorseyRuns said...

I don't think you can rule out the 21.1km! Once you are happy building up your long run, you will find it just seems like the next step. I run 6-8km twice in the week and then build up my long run and I love half marathons (okay I have only done two but I have plans on doing three this year). I like your plan of building speed over shorter distances too- I should concentrate on that more.

Ellie80 said...

Hope you worked out when to fit in your run today - even a short one can make everything seem better I reckon :)

Bayin said...

Hi Sarah,

Yes it felt great to cross the line yesterday. Hope you managed to squeeze a run somewhere in today you always feel better after a good run oh and less guilty to.

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well at the ENT and that you found time for a run. If not there is always tomorrow. Checked out your scrapbookings site youare so very talented. i still have to do my wedding pictures oh well 3 years in April dont want to rush the layout. :)