Thursday, 15 March 2007

Thursday morning run

Thursday's I normally go to the gym and do a weights and cardio program, but I'm feeling a bit blah about the gym lately. It's just a phase - I'll get over it! But I woke up this morning to the sound of a crying 18 mth old and had a 5 minute debate with the 2 Sarah's in my head. One just wanted to stay in bed and stay home, not go to the gym, not do anything. The other one said, get up, go for a run and then you'll feel energised and ready to face the day...

which one did I listen to?????

The good Sarah!!! Yay!

Yeah, I got up and went for a run. Had to wait for the man of the house to get his butt out of bed and look after the kiddies before I could get out the door. Just thought I'd run my usual route around here. Got to my 1/2 way point and decided I could go a bit further, so did roughly about another 2 or 300 mtrs before turning around and heading back. The heading back is the hard part - it' ALL uphill apart from the last 300 mtrs to home, which is fairly steady downhill. So the going out I did in 12 minutes, coming back took me another 20/22 minutes. Not that anyone was counting of course!!!

I'm not sure of the distance. Without the extra bit in the middle it's about 4kms ... so somewhere between 4 & 5km. Knees are still a bit sore - ankle is fine today - so that's a plus.

Felt good to get out there and do it. Didn't go to the gym, I had an essay to finish and some shopping to do! Was nice to have my morning back from the gym.

I think that's what's hardest - All of my mornings, bar one, are spent at the gym, I get home, Maeve has a sleep and then by the time she wakes up it's too late to do anything significant.

But I suppose it's worth it.

I'm meeting up with some friends at New Farm Park on Saturday morning at 7am - I gave A the option of wither coming with me and playing with the kids in the palyground for an hour or 2; or me going early and getting a run around the park in before 7am ... we'll see which happens.

I think if I'm going to make my goal of 10k at the GCM, I need a more structured plan - don't you think? At the moment I'm just running what I feel like. Should I just keep doing that and gradually add a bit more distance (like I did today for example) or should I have a more structured plan and goals?

1 comment:

TA and the Gnome said...


Goals are fine, but I reckon that for the moment it's better to just play around a bit. Turn left some time when you normally turn right. Find out what *is* down that street you've never been in. Look at all the houses as you run along. Grin like a loon and say hello to everyone you run past :-)

There's plenty of time for strength and speed and structure and stuff - for the moment just enjoy building endurance (which is exactly what that playing around is achieving).
