Friday, 25 May 2007

feeling better

Thanks for all your well wishes and advice! :)

I'm feeling better - I sound a bit funny and my sinuses are still a little stuffed up, but the fogginess has cleared, so that's good.

Peter: "since it's uncool to run with a hankie, i've mastered the bushman's handshake"

that is absolutely disgusting!! :)

So tomorrow's run is looking good and I'm actually looking forward to it, which I'm really happy about because I thought I might dread it ... :)

My lovely husband had a medical check up yesterday for work - pretty thorough - and they measured his resting HR, which was in the low 40s and his body fat was 14% - It's so unfair ... how can someone who does 1/4 of the physical activity I do, and eats pretty much whatever he wants, have those results??? He thinks it's funny!

Tomorrow we have a full day - I'll come and report - not much running related, except the morning, but all of it good family fun stuff.

Oh, I just want to clarify something ... I'm not pregnant and probably won't be for a few months - August at the earliest probably :) It's not something that comes easily for us, and hopefully won't involve too much heartache - but there's still a few months to get in some quality running :) So I just have to pull my socks up and get a few people to give me a swift kick and remind me how lucky I am to have my health and fitness and get on with it.

Jumped on the scales this morning to check on the FF progress ... I know, I know, I shouldn't, but I couldn't resist ... anyway MINERS - you're gonna have to pull out a 1kg + this week ;) If the scales are the same/better on monday anyway!!

1 comment:

miners said...

Damn - do I have to go and pick up a virus from somewhere to keep up with the weight loss? Not sure just how else I'm going to do it.

What's more, I have a pizza night tonight, and a trivia night tomorrow (rolls eyes)

Hope you're feeling 100% again v.v.v.v. soon