The good news is I had a great run this morning. My friend didn't turn up, as I expected, so I got to go for a run with music for the first time in ages. I LOVED it! :) Did a bit of music fartlek in the middle of the run with the aid of a live rendition of U2's Bad/Streets Have No Name (if that doesn't get you running, I don't know what will) and a bit of Fat Boy Slim. I have to say, that was a lot of fun. I would just pick up the pace for a chorus/verse and then drop it back a bit, for a chorus/verse and keep going like that. 2 tracks (well, 3 really with the U2 combination) of fairly decent length. It felt really good.
I ran from New Farm park out along the river and floating walkways to the story bridge, where I turned around and came back - all up just under 6.3km and a time of 38:48, which is an average of pace of just over 6k/min. I was really happy with that.
The music really helped me with the negative thoughts I normally suffer from. I didn't think about walking except to think to myself "hey, I haven't even thought about walking yet"!! In fact, I only stopped to grab a quick drink from one of the water fountains along the route.
I ran from New Farm park out along the river and floating walkways to the story bridge, where I turned around and came back - all up just under 6.3km and a time of 38:48, which is an average of pace of just over 6k/min. I was really happy with that.
The music really helped me with the negative thoughts I normally suffer from. I didn't think about walking except to think to myself "hey, I haven't even thought about walking yet"!! In fact, I only stopped to grab a quick drink from one of the water fountains along the route.
Sara - the Sony charges up in 3 minutes!! So no getting caught with flat batteries. I saw yours and Andrew's articles in Runners World this week. It was the first time I'd ever read the magazine. As a beginner runner I really liked the mag and will probably buy it again.
The bad news is that when I bought the mp3 player, which looks like this but in green:
I didn't buy an arm band because the only ones you can get are sony ones and cost $30 - I thought I'd just tuck it under the shoulder strap of my bra - which is what I used to do with the shuffle and in hindsight is probably why the shuffle died - because when I finished the run and took the sony out, you could see there was moisture (sweat) under the coloured casing :(
a. I never knew I sweated that much
b. It never ocurred to me that sweat could get in there!
Anyway, I left the little bugger on a windowsill today and most of it seems to have dried out, hopefully it hasn't done any damage ... time will tell.
I'm not running the MDC on Sunday. I wish all the races weren't on Sunday's. It would have been nice to run it just as a training run and see how the time went.
I have a PT scheduled for tomorrow. After last week's, I'm keen to see what is in store for me. I enjoyed last week's even though it was hard, and couldn't raise my arms above my head for 3 days after. In fact, I think my arms have toned up heaps over the last couple of months, there's not a lot of wobble happening there, which is good. ;) I'm also looking forward to getting stuck into some cardio at the gym after the PT - once again, it's much easier to do with some music!
Miners - I'm still trying to figure out if you actually do want an explanation or if something about those bags and balls has been lost in translation!
Kathy - I just wanted to say I hope you're feeling better. Your blog entry today gave me a lot to think about and I'm really glad you have the courage to be so open and honest.
This week I need to start on my next assignment ... will it ever end?! I've been looking at my watch for the last hour, wondering if it was too early to go to bed ... time to catch up on some blogs first.
Apparently if you put the damp mp3 player in a container with those packets of silica gel you find in vitamin jars or shoes it should suck all the moisture your mp3 player absorbed.
Am so jealous of the 3 minute charging- my ipod is an overnight charger.
It sounds like a great run. I never thought of music fartlek. I'll "borrow" that idea.
I am feeling better thank you. I appreciate that you asked. By the way, I nearly deleted the blog entry, but I remembered you sharing some pretty personal stuff one day, so I left it there. Thanks for being brave before me. It certainly inspired me.
Yep - love the musical fartlek - that is how I got started with speed work! Sounds like things are going very well - keep it up and I hope that the mp3 dries out nicely!
Nice looking MP3 player! and new photo...dig it...can't beat a CR cap :)
i thought it was a pocket knife at first. i only wore my i-pod twice - on long runs. both times the velcro dots on the arm band shredded me (i got scars to show for it) - but it's a great way to pass the time, and err...pain, and be positive as you say. make it your weapon of choice if it works ;-)
a. Sweat gets *everywhere* :-)
b. 6 min/k is fantastic. At that rate, you should be running away from any negative thoughts (they're very slow, you know)!
c. I'm so glad to see you playing around with the fartlek. Keep having fun.
How can you beat doing two of the things you love at once - running and listening to music. Doesn't get much better than that does it :)
I stick my iPod in one of those little Glad Snaplock bags to protect it from sweat or rain (yay!!! we've had rain!!!).
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