Friday, 30 March 2007

weigh in and running

weighed in this morning - down .5kg from last Friday ... so that's good. Although I expect that will all come back on over the weekend with Max's party and he wanted to go to Hungry Jacks last night for his birthday dinner - I felt positively ill after.

Went ouot for a run this morning - my usual route around my neighbourhood. Mapped it out on Google Earth and worked out to just a smidge over 5km. here's what it looks like

From my place, that straight line is up a rather steep hill - which I walk up for a warm up, the rest of it is downhill or fairly flat to the halfway point just past the freeway. All the way back is uphill, until I get to the reverse side of the warm up hill and the little dog leg around the park. It's a tough run on the way back - 5k this morning in 36min - a fair bit of walking up hills on the way back!

I'll have a rest day tomorrow and will head out for the 6k run I did last week with Lisa, on Sunday morning. I'm going to add 10% to the distance, which shouldn't be too hard, with a view to running 7k next week with Lisa.

I'm in love with my new running skirt! Took it out this morning and I just love it! Who would run in shorts when you can wear a skirt that doesn't bunch up?! Best part was, the size 14 skirt I tried on in the shop, was too big, so I bought the size 12!!!! YAY! Stretchy material though, don't get too excited!

really really have to seriously look at new shoes. My shins and knees are both sore after today's run. Could it be the downhill running? I think I really pound the pavement on the downhills...

I was passing through the neighbourhood of InTraining this morning, and would have stopped and gone in, except I couldn't find a park within 2 blocks of the place and had a shopping list a mile long for the party. So I rang them and they have a free podiatry clinic this Saturday - one appointment was left - at 9:30am, so I'll squeeze that in inbetween party preparations. Lucky we don't live far from there.

Reading on Celeste's blog about her 10k race this weekend (good luck) is getting me all excited about the 10k at the GCM. I bought a CR cap this week, so I'll have a cheersquad!!! And now that I'm running 5k on a regular basis and I've gone beyond the 5k mark, I can see that this is actually going to be possible, and possibly enjoyable!! The logistics of it are already creeping into my everyday thoughts 'how will I get there, what time, where to park, what to wear' ... silly really, but it just feels like such a huge goal for me, and I'm excited about the prespect of accomplishing it. The date of the race is also our 8th wedding anniversary! I've told all my family they have to come and support me.

I have a PT on Monday and Drew is going to weigh me at the gym again. I'm really going to have to watch myself at the party to make sure I don't eat too much junk. I want to be at least a kilo less than last time.

A is going to Melbourne on Sunday night until Wednesday night (for work) - which means I won't get to run on again after Sunday until Thursday at the earliest, but more likely not until Saturday or Sunday. Might have to do some running on the treadmill at the gym during the week.

I'm tossing up the idea of gatecrashing the CR brissy get together for Miners' visit in April. The only one of them I have met is Lisa, and I'm quite shy by nature. I want to go, I'm hope I would be welcome, but the idea is quite nerve wracking for me!

Does running make you tired? Sorry to kind of throw this in at the end - it didn't really fit anywhere else. I find I'm really exhausted on days where I run in the morning. I thought regular exercise was supposed to give you more energy? Do you think it could be because I only wake up before 6am to go running 3 days out of 7, so it's not a regular habit? My diet (which could do with some improvement)? I don't know, I just know that at 2pm I can barely keep my eyes open and I've been yawining all day - and I often feel like this.

Well, jelly cups, cake icing, mini quiches, and housecleaning are beckoning ...


Celeste said...

Your enthusiasm is contageous! Isn't it wonderful what running can do?

In relation to getting tired, I'm not really the one to ask. I feel tired all the time! However I have noticed that I no longer crave my nanna naps on the weekend - so perhaps it gets easier. I guess your body will adjust in time.

plu said...

It looks like you making a good effort at the running and family juggle act.

Enjoy your first race.

cheers Plu

Kathy said...

Sarah, I so much enjoy reading your blog. It's so bubbly and your enthusiasm is contagious.

I also love getting your comments on my blog. Thank you so much.

I haven't tried a running skirt. I can see that I'm going to have to do that. Don't you love it when you're a size smaller than you thought you were?

On the tiredness front, are you getting enough protein in your diet? Or at least getting a balanced diet? You're using more energy so it's important that you eat enough of the right foods. Now that I've been eating well for a while, I really notice it when I don't eat properly.

Hope Max loves his party. I'm sure it will go really well.

TA and the Gnome said...

Sarah, DeCastella once said that you know you're training properly when you wake up tired and go to bed exhausted! Now, of course, he was talking about elite marathon training, but to a certain extent it still applies. Your body is going through an adaption process, and you will sometimes feel a bit sore or tired while your body gets stronger. Believe me, it does pass (until you decide to move up to something faster or longer or different in some other way :-) ).

In as much as it is possible with your kids, grab that nanna nap when you are tired - you're tired for a reason and you need the recovery.


p.s. this is related to a later post (I'm catching up!), but be careful about looking for longer and longer runs to get your highs. Pretty soon you'll be looking at ultras at the rate you're going. :-) By all means do a 10k before July if you feel ready for it, but get your highs from the fun of running, not just from the achievement of big goals (they don't come often enough and are too easily destroyed by circumstance and injury).

Lisa said...

Wow - so much info in one post!
Re the eating - its amazing isn't how the body changes its reactions to food. I'm still learning that my body detests fatty foods, but the lessons are becoming further and further apart.
And tiredness. when you exercise alot, your body needs more quality rest - ie you need to get a good 8 hours a night to physically recover. If you are not getting enough sleep you will feel exhausted. If you rest enough you will build muscle and have plenty of energy!