Friday, 4 May 2007



hmmm ... this week has been a real non-running week. I've struggled a bit this week with even wanting to run. I've wanted to run, half heartedly mostly. I'm going to blame uni and tiredness. But ever since the 10k a couple of weeks ago I've found motivation is lacking somewhat. I know I've been busy with essays etc, and sometimes life just doesn't have the same plan you do, but in a way, I think it's been my own laziness too ...

Didn't go out on Thursday with the pram - Maeve was ready for a sleep and I couldn't be guaranteed that she would sleep in the pram. Oh, she's 12kg and the pram is about 15kg ... 30kg baby :o can you imagine ... eeeeeee!! :)

Last night I got the running gear out ready to go for the morning, set the alarm and was intending to head off in the morning for at least 5k - I just couldn't get out of bed - probably the remnants of the late night on Wednesday when I was writing that dreaded essay. And the naughty sarah in my head told me I didn't need to go because I had Box class this morning. :(

So I stayed in bed and then went off to Box, which was fun, but something was missing. A thought ocurred to me today in that class - we had about 4 new people starting and a comment of Kathy's came to mind - I was no longer the biggest person in that class, I certainly wasn't the least fit person, and I could actually hit those bags and balls with some force and kind of look like I might have a bit of a clue about what I was doing (just a teeny bit!!).

Vegie is off running the Glasshouse at night this weekend, so I have no running partner for Sunday morning :( Ah well ... I'll still go out, and it'll probably be good to just have some time running with my own thoughts.

Plan to head out tomorrow morning too.

I filled in my 10k entry form for the GCM on line yesterday. Woo Hoo!! 8 weeks. I'm going to use that 8 weeks as a kind of a challenge. Not just for running, but I'm going to try really hard with the diet side of things and see just what I can do if I put my mind to it and stop making excuses.

I was thinking today I really need to get my brother into running - he lives in the same suburb as me, and he has a real runner's build, tall, thin and wiry. He might be really good at it - I've suggested it to him a couple of times and he thinks I'm mad ... with my genes he could be right, but then that means he's in trouble too ;)


miners said...

I know it's hard right now - but the only motivation I usually need is remembering how cold it gets when winter REALLY hits - or alternatively thinking about how frustrating it is when you're injured and you CAN'T run. That generally gets me out the door.

by the way, can you ploise explain just what you get up to in these box classes?

"...and I could actually hit those bags and balls with some force ..."

Kathy said...

I know exactly how you feel Sarah. I have the same sorts of "good me / bad me" discussions. Setting achievable goals helps. At the moment I'm working on one decent exercise session a day. It has to burn a few calories, which is why running is one of my favourite choices.

Isn't it great, hitting things hard?

Tesso said...

I reckon what you are feeling is normal after a big goal race, I wouldn't worry too much. Besides if you are that tired your body is telling you something.

Maybe that brother of yours is scared you will be too fast for him or will be able to run further :-)

Celeste said...

I agree with Tesso. You had a beaut run last week. You will need time to recover from that. Listen to your body - the mental desire has not gone away. Your body will tell you when to get back into the hard training.

So you take a few days off training. Certainly nothing to berate yourself over!!