I'm hoping whatever it is goes away because I have a major essay due next week and was planning on a run on the weekend with Veg ... I skipped my run on Tuesday and have no plans to run tomorrow, despite saying I would - I'd rather get better first. There's no point running sick and getting even more run down ...
Anyway, I'm off to bed early - it's just gone 8pm and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning. Thankfully Max is at kindy tomorrow and I'll only have 1 little monkey to take care of.
Let me just say, some of the comments last time made me chuckle a little bit ... but this one :
Ph said "to deal with cold i go to bed dressed in my running gear...but then again, we are not expaning our family ;-) "
...very funny!!
Ben - I like your idea of going out with a bang!! I might have to use that for motivation ... once I get over this cold/flu whatever it is.
nighty night.
Awww, you poor thing, that sounds dire.
Lot's of lemony/honey tea and rest for you. I know there is no medicinal qualities to the tea, but it is awfully comforting.
Take care.
It makes lots of sense to get well first Sarah. I hope you feel better soon. Good luck with the essay.
Hope your cold disappears- no running until you are 100% again, it will just make it linger if you head out before then.
yep - lots of fluids etc etc. sleep will work wonders too. whenever I am sick I always long for that morning when you finally wake up and it all feels better.
take care!
All your commenters are so wise :)
Rest is best.
Take care now. I'd hate you to miss out on running with Veg and hearing all about her Glasshouse adventure. What's the bet she'll try to talk you in to doing the next one!
Had to laugh at your comment on intervals on my blog. I was wondering how you were going to recognise morning sickness if you were out running intervals!
Hope you're well on the mend. Take care.
that sounds way too sensible trying to get better first. i was told once by some running nut that the following rule applies
"if it's above the neck run, if it's on your chest don't". since it's uncool to run with a hankie, i've mastered the bushman's handshake as a result of following this rule.
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