Saturday, 26 May 2007

There's a bear in there ...

It's been a long day and this is going to be a long post - consider yourself warned! Where should I start ... the run ...

Went and ran with Veg, Katy (ihatetoast), and Nikki from CR - Katy left us about 1/2 way through - we started at the G'will bridge and did a length of southbank, across victoria bridge, under the expressway and over the g'will, along the cliffs, over the story bridge, along riverside and the gardens and back over the goodwill. All up, just under 10k i think and 1:05 of running.

A thoroughly enjoyable run despite feeling the start of a large blister at about half way and then feeling the start of another about 3/4 of the way through on the other foot :( I bought new shoes in March and as much as I love then they seem to create blisters in the same place if I run anything over about 5k ... The blisters are always in the inside of the arch of my foot - on both sides. So any suggestions on how to deal with that would be welcomed - the girls today suggested new socks (which I will check out) but also strapping?? How do I do that??! I'm clueless!!

I really enjoyed the company and we chattered away the whole way - sure makes the time go a lot quicker!! I struggled a bit with my throat and chest and breathing, but nothing that was going to stop me. We had a toilet stop part way through and while I was waiting for the girls to come out of the toilet I really began to feel the effects of running with the remains of my cold/sinus/whatever - felt quite light headed but the option of returning to the car on my own - a couple of kms away - was less attractive than the thought of finishing the run with the others. As long as I kept running I was fine. Stopping was a whole other story ...

I was really glad to be out there this morning. Driving in my car at 5:45am this morning I passed so many people out and about, a couple of packs of cyclists, lots of runners, and the PCRG was hanging around the g'will waiting for their start at the time we were there - saw Tesso - but it just gave me that 'happy all over feeling' to see people out early in the morning and doing their thing. I've missed that with my recent slackness - sure was busy out there this morning.

Anyway, coming home from the run I began to think I might have over done it a little. And by about 11am I was certain of this ... the background headache i was feeling had turned into a splitting one and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. I didn't get to do this until much later.

Came home and got ready to take the kids to the Playschool Concert - which was fantastic. They loved it and it was really nice to see them singing, dancing and clapping along. They both love Playschool :)

Max then had a 1am birthday party at McDonalds, so we raced home, Maeve had a sleep, I had a nap and were were late to the party! I've got to say, I understand why parents have parties at McDonalds, but they really are crap and it didn't do anything for my headache and caused me to take some pretty strong pain tablets before I killed lots of people! ;)

Then we finally got to come home and relax ... well kind of ... I had to go do some grocery shopping!

Tomorrow is A's birthday - I went and got some yummy fruit and croissants and english fruit muffins for breakfast tomorrow morning and his mum is coming over for roast tomorrow night. Tonight we're having take away something cos I'm too buggered to cook - I'm not sure these plans are going to do much for my plans of beating Miners this week over at FF, but that's life! Consider yourself lucky Miners! :)

I've been feeling pretty beat all day, and I don't think I did my sore throat any favours by running this morning, but I don't think it's anything I won't get over.

This week I AM going to run - there's only 5 weeks to gold coast ... holy moly!! :) So if I don't get out there I'm going to regret it. Plus I had such a great time this morning that I'm feeling more motivated and excited about it.

There's some other life changing/exciting/scary decisions being made in this house at the moment ... involving jobs and countries of residence and a whole heap of other decisions ... geez, like there isn't enough on our plates at the moment ... but more on that as we know more - early days and we're not sure it's the 'right' thing to do yet - how do you decide something like that anyway???


MorseyRuns said...

I had the pleasure of going to a Hungry Jacks party last week with my nephew and it was the same thing- kids going crazy and everyone crying at some stage (especially me!). Not good for your headache.
Great running too by the way.

Kathy said...

Hi Sarah, you're doing really well being able to run so far when you're getting over a cold. Sounds like Macca's is not a good choice for a recovery session though. Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the comment on my blog too. I'm fine, but I have been struggling with motivation. I'll tell you all about it in my next blog entry, which hopefully will come soon.

Good luck with the decision making. It's exciting when you open up the possibility of change, isn't it? Scary too, but fun at the other end.

Bennyr said...

Life would be boring if you didn't have too much on your plate. At least that's what I keep telling myself!

Best of luck with what looks like a massive decision!


Anonymous said...

I used to get blisters on my arch with a previous pair of shoes, only when they were new.

Once the blisters were gone I just used to put sports strapping tape along my arch and that seemed to take care of things until the shoes were broken in.