Sunday, 6 May 2007

weekend report

Got out for a run on saturday morning. Ran through Southbank from the g'will bridge end and out along the river towards west end to what was the 10k turn around point the other week (which is just before the west end markets start) and back to the g'will bridge. Not sure how far it is and can't be stuffed looking it up and mapping it out on anything. But took me about 40 min, albeit with a few walking breaks (what a sook). It wasn't the greatest run, just ok, but I was out there and that was all that mattered.

As usual I was exhausted on Saturday night and pulled the plug on any plans for a Sunday morning longer run. Am going out tomorrow morning, probably out to New Farm park for a change. A friend was going to meet me, but I have a feeling she's going to pike - which is fine by me because I want a chance to break in my new mp3 player. Ended up getting a Sony 1G. It'll be nice to have some tunes to distract me from the negative thoughts in my head. I'm no purist and will do whatever it takes to get me excited about getting out for a run ;)

The diet has been pretty good the last couple of days. I've definately noticed a difference in my attitude and approach to the whole issue. However, I'm not being pedantic about it either. We took the kids to southbank on Saturday afternoon and ended up staying for dinner - had Pizza. Don't ever go to Amici's at Southbank - it's terrible. Anyway, ate 2 slices of pizza, but didn't stress about it. Aside from the Pizza, Max threw the mother of all tantrums as we were leaving *sigh*. He's being very difficult of late. Everyone tells me it gets easier, I just wish it would get easier quicker. 4 is not a very pleasant age for our household at the moment.

Tomorrow is a public holiday in QLD, so a long weekend, which is noice. But bed time for me if I'm going to be up to be off for a run in the morning. We also have an afternoon tea birthday party for A's niece - so that will test my resolve with the party food etc etc...


Anonymous said...

Hope you made it for a run. Have you found another race to enter. Ifind that helps with the motivation mojo. How was th new MP3, hope it helped with the negative thoughts.

MorseyRuns said...

I love running with my ipod- but now I get a bit cranky when I realise that I haven't charged it in time. Hope you have some good fast paced running songs loaded into it.

TA and the Gnome said...

Everyone said that our kids would outgrow the terrible twos, and they did. They just grew into the disgusting threes and the absolutely abominable fours... :-)

Don't worry, it does get better. Really!
