Thursday, 12 April 2007

top night

Last night I went out for dinner with a bunch of the CR brissie crowd (plus Miners). Before the dinner the only person I'd met was Vegie-girl, who I have run with a couple of times on the weekends. So I was a bit scared, meeting new people is way outside my comfort zone!

There was Me, Miners, Vegie-Girl, Tesso, Clairie, Davo, Owen, Cirque, PeterHorse, Undercover Brother, ummm I think that was it, plus Clairie's family and a couple who I don't know who they were!
Me and my lovely running partner, me looking a bit strange!!!

ETA these pics - stolen from the CR site - L - R top row - Davo, Vegie, Me, Owen. Bottom Row, L - R - Miners, Peter & Undecover Brother (who is an absolute crack up)

It was just nice to meet these people and find out they are indeed as nice in real life as they are on CR, and still had heap of encouragement and advice to offer. Stayed out past midnight - which is waaaaaay past my bedtime, needless to say I was a bit bleary eyed this morning when the kids decided it was time for me to crawl out of bed! I'm sure I had palnned to run this morning, but at about 11pm last night I realised that wasn't going to happen!!

I'm really glad I went.

Went out for a 5k run before my PT yesterday morning. Nothing special about it, in fact it was quite a slow run. Realised that route I run takes me right past a water treatment plant ... I wondered what the smell was!

PT was ordinary and left me wondering if I will bother buying another block of 10 after this one is finished. Drew i great, but I think I'm just a little bored with it. I would actually love to get outside and do something in a park or something (although coming into winter, I'm not sure that's the smartest idea!).

I made a deal with A that if I watch my food intake for the next week and a bit before the 10k, and then run the 10k, that I can have a massage on the Monday evening after the 10k. Motivation wise it seems to be working. I've never had a proper massage before, so I'm looking forward to it, and I can imagine that I'll be pretty wasted after the race on the Sunday before, so it should be good.

The non-running coolrunners have decided they're going to camp out on the city side of the goodwill bridge for the race on the 22nd, to cheer everyone on. Is it possible I might be able to turn more red from embarrassment than from huffing and puffing 8km into a 10km race??? It'll be great to have the encouragement, but I am so not an attention needing kind of person (especially when I'll be running so slowly and badly!) so it'll be a bit of a squirmy moment too. I must try to get over that and just enjoy it and enjoy the support!

Better go, gotta get my head around the last half of this assignment ... have I said how much I hate studying right now?!


MorseyRuns said...

I am a bit hestitant to tell people when I am meeting up "with people I met on the internet"- but the running community are so supportive and normal.
How good to be cheered on while you run- it makes me pick up the pace no matter how tired I am.

Kathy said...

Sounds like a great night out. I'm glad you went outside your comfort zone.

I love PT but I'm glad I don't have to keep deciding to buy it. I have the "PT plan" at the gym. Only decision is wehther or not to renew once a year.

As for outdoor stuff, I'm going to do an outdoor fitness challenge next. I'll only get to 6 of the 8 sessions, because it starts before I go up to Qld, but I've signed up anyway. It should be fun.

Hope the assignment is going well.