Sunday, 29 April 2007

if there's one thing I'm good at, it's procrastinating

Just quick post because I'm supposed to be writing an assignment (yes, another one. this one is worse than the last one and is due Thursday). I've just had to go and get a pillow to put on my chair because my butt is not happy about being parked on this hard chair for the last couple of hours. Particularly as there doesn't seem to be much movement on the essay front.

Anyway, went out for a run this morning around the city/river. I was having the usual saturday night debate in my head last night, should I shouldn't I? I should, but I don't think I can be bothered, I'd love a sleep in, looks like it might rain, cold, dark, wet ... etc etc ... But Lisa rang me and we agreed to meet at the Goodwill Bridge at 5:45am. It's certainly not getting any easier to get out of bed early with the cooler weather and shorter days.

But as usual, once I was out of bed, it wasn't so bad.

I just wanted to say what a fantastic run it was this morning. I came home and told my husband that it was a really great run, but could explain to him why it was great. It was just one of those runs that felt really comfortable, my head was in a really great space and the negative thoughts were at a minimum, everything just felt 'right' - anyone who runs will know exactly what I mean, but it's hard to explain isn't it?

I even thought that it was easier for me to talk and run, but I'm sure our pace wasn't any slower than previous runs. All up about 7k in 51min. A thoroughly enjoyable morning.

here's a picture of where we went - through the city this time from riverside rather than through the gardens - the later (I discovered this morning) is a much more enjoyable run - you avoid most of the car fumes and saturday night drunks still hanging around outside the casino and other places - not to mention the alleyways through the city that smell like a men's toilet.

ETA - oh I meant to say, stretching - I admit I am sometimes guilty of skipping or not stretching enough, but it seemed to me that the quads tightened up during the run on Friday, not after. I could literally feel them starting to tighten up - I stopped for a little stretch, but I think the damage was done. anyway, feeling much better after this morning's run, so I think I must have just been tired from Sunday.

Kathy - I had to laugh at your wonderings about the manure ... mum and dad have 32 acres - they're a bit nuts about their gardening and I think my dad's words were "dump it all on the veggie patch" :0

About Chi Running - I've looked for this book at borders ... no luck - I remember someone else reading it - was it Kathy? Is it worth a read?

Peter - I've sent you my email address via CR.

Miners - yes the DFO near the airport - the Brooks shop there is great, and other stores there are great for cheap kids shoes.

The Polocrosse was kind of fun - it rained all day, so we got pretty wet and cold. The kids, who have not ever seen real horses before absolutely LOVED it. Maeve's reaction to the horses was priceless - it was worth it just to see that. The game looks awfully dangerous if you ask me, and I don't know how they don't fall off and get trampled. Horses are amazing animals - I'll let you in on a secret - I was obsessed with horses in my youth - in fact, I though I was one! Don't laugh! how embarrassing !


Celeste said...

What a great run!! You are just bounding ahead. It's days like this that you will remember when the going gets tough. Savour the moment!!

I understand completely about the procrastination side of things. My aim is to study one hour a day. One lousy hour - and do you think I can manage it?? Nup.

Kathy said...

Sarah, that sounds like a fabulous run. I love days like that, and you are so right - it's impossible to explain why they feel so good - they just do.

I've got Chi Running. I highly recommend it. I have read it cover to cover a number of times, and I try to follow various bits of advice. I'm sure it's made a huge difference to my running.

I am relieved to know that your mum has plenty of room for all that manure.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sarah, there is an article on Chi Running in the May Runners World magazine, so this might be worth a look before buying the book to see if you like the ideas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, don't you just love it when a run comes together and it feels great. I have a training program that uses HR, that's why I asked if you ran with one. Let me know if you are interested in having look at it.

Bennyr said...

I love runs like that. I know what you mean about being difficult to explain - I usually explain it as simply as "it felt easy".

With the getting out of bed in the morning, I reckon the best trick if you can manage it is not to think about it. Just out of bed and do it without thinking about it.


miners said...

Well Mrs Ed, you just mapped out one of my favouritest of favourite running routes too! Probably just needed to divert into the gardens for a loop or two to make it perfect ;)

miners said...

by the way - the feeling you described is known as the "runner's high". In the entire history of distance running, it has never successfully been explained to a non-runner - so don't worry if hubby doesn't understand it.

Peterhorse said...

meeting people to run with is the main strategy i use to ensure i do it. the second one is having a set goal in a few months that i know i could miss if i skip it. the second one is a back up that sometimes works :-)
any of those tracks around the river, with good company and great weather deliver on the 'runners high'.

Lisa said...

Sarah - I'm so jealous of all your lovely running choice by the river and having someone to run with! For me its dirt hills, or general road running. (no sights). And I never even see another runner - let alone have someone to run with!
Ah its times like these I wish I lived in the city....

By the way - can you drop a line somewhere about what you're studying...I'm trying to figure it out..anthropology maybe?