Sunday 21 January 2007

I ran!!!

Well, I don't know what has possessed me ...

I had been pondering over the last couple of days that I should be trying to change my lifestyle a little more. That this 'journey' is about more than just losing weight, it's about being healthier and doing things I enjoy and challenging myself.

So I found my way to this web site called 'cool runnings' - basically a website and forums all about running. It was amazing, the way people talked about running, how much they loved it etc ... Late last year one of the instructors at the gym was talking in our spin class about how she was training with a friend to run the Bridge to Brisbane - a 12k run across the gateway bridge and around to new farm (check out their web site - ).

Anyway, I was thinking to myself - could I do that??? So I've decided to give it a go. This morning I went for a run ... me, running!!! It's the first time I've really gone for a dedicated run outdoors - I run on the treadmill at the gym, but treadmill is very different from the pavement, so I discovered this morning!!!

I really enjoyed it. The kids woke us up at 6am, so I had plenty of time, pulled on my gym shoes and clothes and just went, by myself (bliss), just me and my iPod. It was really peaceful, hardly anyone about and still quite cool. I'm hoping to fit in 3 runs a week, slowly building up the time I can run for, and then once I have the time down, the distance and speed, but I'm not going to worry too much about that right now. I'm just stoked that I got out there and did it!

I'm not sure how far I ran, but I was out for just over 20 minutes I think.

Best part is, when Drew asks me in the morning if I got in any extra walks/exercise over the weekend, which he always does, then I be able to say YES!!! That will be great. Also hope to be able to report a bit of a loss to him tomorrow, jumped on the scales after my run (naughty naughty) and was hovering around the 78 mark, which if it's like that tomorrow, will mean another kilo down, despite my downfalls this week.

Starting a 12 week challenge/blitz with some girls over at the 3 Angels Scrapping site tomorrow - it'll be great to have some others to help encourage/motivate ...

PT tomorrow morning, then some cardio work. I need to go to bed so I'm not too tired and can work hard! I only popped in here to write a quick entry, and I seem to have managed to write an essay ...

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