Monday, 8 January 2007

So I spent the weekend in bed - well, almost all day sunday anyway. Woke up this morning feeling a little better - at least didn't have that foggy head feeling.

Debated with myself if I should go to my PT or not ... decided to go. I didn't want to be making excuses for myself this early on.

So I went and Drew did a few strength tests - 6 pushups (not full body, just on my knees) and 3 chin pull ups was all I could do - the phrase "90 pound weakling" came to mind several times when I was trying those) I wouldn't have minded a few more little things to be able to test myself against, but Drew keeps a record of every PT anyway, so will be able to see my improvement there as well.

After the session I felt like my legs were jelly. I was just hoping I would be able to walk down the stairs at the gym!!

Drew also did up a timetable for me with my gym sessions and he said to me "these days are non-negotiable"!!! He also said that because of the level of activity I'll need more carbs than the CSIRO plan will allow and to find a better balance with the protien and carbs. That's probably easy!!!

Weigh in tomorrow - me and my bathroom scales and mirror!!! I'll post my results. Not expecting great things because we ended up eating spag bol on Sat night because I was not feeling well, and then to mum and dad's for dinner on Sunday night - Dad did his usual trick of putting out enough food to feed the 5000. I didn't eat much because I wasn't well, but still ... so we'll see what tomorrow holds.



L K said...

You're doing good S!! I thought I'd create an account so I can login and make comments about your entries or bag you out when you misbehave with your diet.
I've been really good this week - KFC on Saturday night, Chocolate Cake for desert on Sunday night and remember how I told you we weren't eating McDonalds this year - well, guess what we had for lunch today - how pathetic am I? Oh and we're having Thai take out tonight. Like I said - doing really well, I actually did my first weigh in this morning, I only put on 200 grams. Woo Hoo.
Look forward to reading more.

e-ffective Teacher. 128 Group Project said...

Sarah -- you go girl!!!!