Thursday, 4 January 2007

Tagged ...

I've been tagged by Dee ... Probably the only person apart from Lisa who's reading this!!!

so here goes:

A - Available/Single? Married
B- Best Friend? ahhh gee, umm I'd probably have to say Arie
C- Cake or Pie? Caaaaake
D - Drink Of Choice? Ginger Beer - Bundaberg
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? computer
F - Favorite Colour? I don't think I have one
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? don't like either of them
H - Home or Homesick? home, but if someone gave me an all expense paid trip 'round the world I wouldn't complain about being homesick
I - Indulgence? Baskin Robins Ice Cream
J - January Or February? This year it has to be Feb - Max starts kindy on the 1/2/07!!!
K - Kids & Their Names? Max - 4 in March, Maeve - 2 in August
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? my family
M - Marriage date? 1/7/99 - it was easy for our tax return that first year!! 8 years in 2007 - where does time go?
N - Number Of Siblings? 4 ... I have 3 sisters and 1 brother - I'm 2nd oldest
O - Oranges Or Apples? If I had to have one I'd choose an apple, would rather another fruit though
P - Phobias/Fears? I hate spiders, cockaroaches, wasps, snakes ... the usual
Q - Favorite Quote? I can't think off the top of my head - might have to come back to this one
R - Real Hair Color? Brown
S - Season? When we lived in Melbourne I LOVED autum - the colours and the trees are beautiful. But I love spring too. Winter in Brisbane is pretty great. Oh, I have to pick just one?!!!
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? mmmmm, Lisa, you've gotta start a blog, I don't think anyone else reads this - any takers??!!!!
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I'm not sure - I sucked my thumb until I was about 12!!
V - Vegetable you don’t like? mushrooms
W - Worst Habit? I'm a control freak - it's very hard for me to sit back and observe
X - X-rays You’ve Had? does this include ultrasounds? Not sure - ankle (broken), back, ultrasounds - gall bladder, breast, pregnancy, trans-vaginal (oooh, tmi!!!!)
Y - Your Favorite Food? I have to choose only one?!! I don't think I can - ice cream & chocolate
Z - Zodiac Sign? virgo

Glad to be back at the gym - I have my boxacise class tomorrow - I LOVE that class. It took me about 3 months before I could hit that damn speedball properly, I'm so uncoordinated! But now it's a class I don't miss for anything. So am looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow.

Did 45 min of cardio today. Geez I get bored sometimes though. Am thinking I will probably make my schedule like this:

Monday - PT
Tuesday - day off
Wed - Spin
Thurs - weights
Friday - Box

I'm going to have a chat to Drew after the class tomorrow and talk to him about maybe doing a few fitness and strength tests for my PT on Monday - I want these next 12 weeks to be about change, not just about losing weight, but getting stronger and fitter and faster. I want to be able to measure and see my progress - it'll help keep me motivated, rather than just saying "yeah, I know I'm stronger" - so vague. I want to be able to say "12 weeks ago I could only hold a prone position for xyz, now I can hold it for xxx" . Does that make sense?

My legs ache tonight. Not a muscle sore ache, but just a tired ache. My knees are sore - I knew the minute I started running to the treadmill that they would be. I need to check out our private health insurance and see if knee surgery is covered, if it is, I'm definately going to investigate what might be wrong with them ... they click all the time - Drew says they sound like a 60 year olds knees! Any time I do squats, lunges, climb stairs, they click away!

Am really enjoying the recipes in the CSIRO book - they're really yummy.


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