Thursday, 11 January 2007

midweek update

I've been a bit naughty. I had ice cream last night - Arie was out and I was bored I suppose - stupid I know .... ah well.

Gym's been going well this week. I went to my Spin class on Wednesday and I was instantly reminded when the instructor started taking us through 'jumps' (which are when you stand in the pedals for a count of x and then still off the bike seat crouch down low into the bike for a count - not sure if I've explainned it well, but just know that this KILLS - the lactic acid burning feeling in your legs is crazy, I absolutely hate it!). I really wasn't in the mood as I was still feeling very sinusy (is that a word?!) and not 100%. But I didn't want to start making excuses for myself this early on.

Today was weights and some cardio. After my weights I did some time on the treadmill walking fast for a minute and then running for 2 minutes, power walking for 1, running for 2 - you get the picture. That was pretty good - made the time on the treadmill fo a bit quicker.

I'm still very sore today from my PT on Monday - I'm hoping that this is just because I haven't done much exercise over Christmas and that after next Monday I won't feel it as bad as this!

Anyway, not much to report. Box tomorrow, which is always fun, then I get the weekend off!

1 comment:

e-ffective Teacher. 128 Group Project said...

Sarah, you are going great guns!! WoooHOO and an 800g loss is awesome.. almost a kilo!!! Well done!! I don't know much about WW week 3 kickstart thing at all.. is that a new program..?