Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Weigh in #3

Ok, so a not so great week - scales said 78.8 this week - 200g is better than nothing, and a bit of a reality check and kick up the butt for having such a bad food week.

So I managed to record all my food and exercise in my diary for yesterday and resisted the temptaion to jump on the scales this morning. 1 day down, 6 to go. Baby steps.

Had my PT yesterday. Drew made me work really hard. At one point I felt like I was going to vomit. He set up a circcut for me - went something like this:

Bench press
Bench step ups with weights
Walking lunges with weights
Lat pull downs
tricep extensions

And then it started all over again, with the weights getting heavier as we went. Going from one to the other without stopping - did the whole thing 3 times over. By the last set of crunches I was sooooooo spent. Then he did a bit of stretching and I had to go and do 30 minutes of cardio after .... I so did not want to go and do that cardio work!!!!! But I did! A few weeks ago I wouldn't have - I would have just gone home. Drew holds me pretty accountable, so that's good.

Told him about my plan to run the Bridge to Brisbane and he was really supportive and encouraging, and thought it was a really good goal to have.

Went for another run this morning. Timed myself this time - thought I would do the same route as Sunday, except backwards, but I tookk a wrong turn towards the end and ended up coming home a different way! Oh well. Ran for 20 minutes (21.35 to be exact). Stopped to walk 2 or 3 times. It's so hilly around here. But I was pretty good, I'd be running and think to myself "I've had enough" but made myself run to the next street, or post box, or top of the hill. I was thinking to myself as I was running that I have a lot more determination and belief in myself when it comes to what I'm capable of physically. Before I started at the gym I would never have thought I could jog for 5 minutes, let alone 20!! So I'll do the same run on Saturday or sunday and see if I can get under 21 minutes ... little steps at a time. When I go out today in the car I'm going to measure my route too.

Anyway, the kids need breakfast and I need a shower. It's going to be a stinker today.

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