Saturday 6 January 2007


great. I'm sick. Felt it coming on lasst night, but have woken this morning with a sore throat, blocked sinuses, burning eyes ... and it's only 6:30am.

This sucks. It better be gone by monday for my PT.

Boxacise yesterday was great, but boy am I feeling it after not doing anything for 2 weeks over Christmas.

I don't normally like cottage cheese, but mum told me to pick up a flavoured one. I got a low fat one with chives or something, and had some with a stick of celery yesterday when I got home from the gym - it was pretty good. Normally I really crave something to eat when I get home from the gym and this was a much better option than what I would normally eat.

It's good to be back into a normal routine with the gym etc.

Arie went to the 20/20 cricket game last night so I got a DVD out - was a bit sad watching a DVD without nibbles!!!

Totally off topic - got the final of the quotes for the blinds in the bedrooms yesterday - thankgoodness, I was so over staying home all day waiting for ppl to turn up to do measure and quotes - so today we'll pick the 3 best ones and take A to the showrooms to see the materials I've picked, hopefully make a final decesion and then we'll have blinds in a couple of week. Maybe then the kids will sleep in a bit more instead of getting up at the crack of dawn. I've been putting them to bed at 6pm every night because it seems to make no difference to the time they wake up and the extra hour of sleep makes for a much happier m&m in the morning.

Off to try and find some codral or sinutab or something ...


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